The Online
Accident Reporting System (OARS) has been developed to make
reporting easier, provide consistency in reporting data,
assess trends and ultimately contribute to injury
prevention. Originally developed in conjunction with the
University of Washington, the intention of the system is to
electronically automate the process of reporting work-related injuries and illnesses on campus through an offering
of mandatory forms via online access.
OARS features:
- online submission of accident and
near miss reporting
- the processing and updating of OSHA
- the ability to track, review and
modify existing reports
- access for Environmental Health
& Safety personnel to review and modify submitted
- the processing of the OSHA 300
log form
- the processing of OSHA 300
summary worksheets
- the ability to connect with
university ID and authentication systems
- e-mail notification for report
submission and review
Accurate and timely reporting of
work-related injuries, illnesses and near misses is critical
to providing a safe and healthful work environment. OARS
has been developed to comply with the new OSHA record
keeping rules.
OARS is a fully web-enabled
solution created within the framework of J2EE technology,
our standard approach to software design and development.
This allows for maximized application flexibility by
utilizing technologies that can be implemented across
heterogeneous systems and server database engines in an
environment of hardware and software independence.
OARS is:
- scalable
- fully customizable
- able to integrate with existing
authentication systems
- fully integrated with CHEMATIX and the
Environmental Safety Suite
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